How to Make a Track in 45 Minutes

Mark Anxious revisits his seminar on how to make a track in 45 minutes, as demonstrated at the BPM DJ/Music Conference Seminar 2013 (where he subsequently played a live show with Chrissi Blackout as The Anxious for Allen & Heath and used this track.
You can see the LIVE version of this here:
Mark's intro:
Thanks to modern technology, you can actually make a track in 45 minutes. The key is to prepare well. You need to think hard about each individual instrument you use in your 'style' of music and organise your folders/tracks for spontaneity BEFORE you start.
I suppose this video specifically applies to a certain style of 'dark techno' we make but Chrissi and I make alot of different kinds of music, so we have many different templates if we have to make music quick. IMHO, you can use this technique for any style you make. Build on it and please dont take this video as gospel - it's meant to make you think how to make YOUR music quicker ;)
I suppose this whole video is an accumulation of many years of travelling on planes to gigs, wasting ALOT of hours trying to make a track and actually coming up with 6000 folders of wasted work we never used lol.
I seriously hope this helps you all :)
This track will appear on Blackout Audio with a bunch of remixes. To find out when, sign up to the newsletters on:
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