Mark Anxious Vs Tuomas Rantanen 'Organisms, Mutations And Corporations' (City Wall)

Artist: Mark Anxious Vs Tuomas Rantanen
Title: Organisms, Mutations And Corporations
Label: City Wall
Release Date: 2012
Format: Digital Album
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If you could only listen to one DJ mix this year, this is the one. A smouldering stew of tonal cacophony that will have massive appeal to those who are searching for a deeper side to their techno music. Mark Anxious lifts the lid off Tuomas Rantanen’s production talent by weaving together seventeen of the best tracks from the Organisms, Mutations and Corporations album trilogy - using the amazing Xone:DB4 mixer (which Mark endorses for Allen and Heath). His masterful use of live delays, filters and reverbs make this mix undeniably special and a true testament to the power of state of the art modern day DJ techniques - all with an unmistakable nod to the old-school. Every minute of this mix blends one Tuomas Rantanen smasher with the beat of another. But Mark does not stop there - as he also goes to work on cementing tones and breakdowns to form completely new auditory structures. This is a musical journey par-excellence that shows off Tuomas Rantanen’s awesome repertoire of varied technoid rhythms. In fact it magnifies them tenfold with fearless 'from the drop' mixing. Listen and enjoy.
Mark Anxious is a true talent who has stood the test of time. His other pseudonyms include the infamous 'Mark EG', amongst others. His rise to fame began in the early 90s after his love for Chicago house, Detroit techno and acid house progressed into an unequivocal need to spread the word of techno. The Anxious is the name used for Mark's techno production together with partner Chrissi. Known for their releases on established labels such as Audio Assault, ARMS, Planet Rhythm and of course their own label Blackout Audio, their Live PA for Circuito in Brazil in 2005 became one of the most downloaded hard techno sets of all time.
Tuomas Rantanen has been dealing with the theme of auditory mechanisational change in his works such as Rocket Bay EP (2003), Dark Water EP (2008), Gasoline Rainbow EP (2010) and in his 2011 City Wall Records Grinding Ground suite. Rantanen has also dealt with the theme of societal change from the perspective of cyberpunk. Rantanen wants to show how boundaries between man and machine, the natural and the artificial have become blurred. He also wants to reveal how a change in our audible environment might soon be a reality. These cyberpunk themes of societal and audible change are explored in his more chaotic works such as Access Denied EP (1999), Kaotic EP (2002), Memorising Every Phrase EP (2006), Robotan Elbows EP (2009) and Anarchy EP (2011). The goal of this current album trilogy Organisms, Mutations and Corporations is to merge these two leading themes, the change in our audible environment and the blurring of the boundary between natural and artificial.
1) Solaris Clusters
2) Battle
3) Cyprok
4) Rectangle
5) Titanics
6) Uranium
7) Cluster
8) Canyons Far Away
9) Ice River
10) Edit Distance
11) Shield
12) Iconic Valid
13) Screen
14) Desert
15) Rite
16) Rotating
17) Variables
All tracks by Tuomas Rantanen and available individually on City Wall Records, mixed by Mark Anxious on the Allen and Heath Xone:DB4
Individual tracks and final DJ Mix mastered by Mark Anxious